Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 6 September 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 21 - A step into Killer Nominations

The final nominations of this series are upon us, citizens, as we hurtle towards saying goodbye to the celebrities, and hello to a fresh batch of civilians

Ah, the wonderful sound of Hardeep snoring before lights on in the house.....

Hardeep wondering if he was snoring too loud, and Gabby saying she didn't sleep too well. Can't think why, but another excuse for the younger ones to have a pick at Hardeep I suppose.

The subject of bunions crops up again, as Hardeep wonders if its a personal matter. In case you didn't see yesterday's post, Ryan had a go at Hardeep for 'disrespecting' Sally, as Sally told him Hardeep had mentioned her bunions.

Dan, the same guy who claims he is missing his wife and kids, flirts with Gabby in the kitchen as they wash the dishes together. 

Hardeep talks about Ryan in the Diary Room, bunion-gate is brought up and Hardeep thinks Ryan let Sally play him. He can't see how she could have been offended by the bunions comment. He starts crying and alludes to Big Brother being his friend rather than the other housemates.

Ryan is feeling poorly, oh my heart bleeds. I think it's more a case of 'I have damaged my chances of winning this after last night' and he's just sulking. Gabby is talking about Hardeep, no surprise there. At least he's doing SOMETHING to merit still being in there, Gabby, unlike you who is doing NOTHING. Sally not helping matters in this situation by twisting the knife a bit into Hardeep.

Kirstie is telling Big Brother about Ryan being 'ill'....He's not ill, Kirstie, he's sulking. Meanwhile, Hardeep and Gabby are talking about soft furnishings. The same Gabby who only said a few minutes earlier, that he makes her feel uncomfortable. So two faced some of these people, but I guess any sort of airtime is helpful at this stage of the show, eh Gabby.

Dan is summoned to the Diary Room as part of a secret mission. Big Brother tells him to gather everyone around the dining table once they call Nick to the Diary Room. One of those twist within a twist secret missions. 

Shortly afterwards Big Brother calls Nick to the Diary Room, cue Dan gathering everyone around the dining room table to do his part for the secret mission. As a diversion, Nick is told there is an issue with his mic pack, as Dan rounds everyone up. Dan reads out their instructions in that Nick has had a secret pedometer attached, and they have to get him to take as many steps as possible.

1500 steps or more: Nick gets his letter from home

The reward for them will be better the more steps Nick takes

Hardeep nearly gives the game away, and even admits doing to so in the Diary Room to which Big Brother reminds him that subtlety is the key.

After more stepping out, Big Brother reveals the task and the result was 6,767 or thereabouts steps so rewards all round for everyone. This includes gym equipment and Nick's letter from home amongst other things.

Before the Killer Nominations, Nick has his letter from home read out. Guess they have to fill out the time somehow. Usual tears all round but thankfully none of that cheesy music they play.

And so we move onto the main event of the evening as in Killer Nominations, housemates only have to give one name and that person will be on the block. I would assume that it will be Hardeep v someone else, who that is will be revealed in due course



Reason: I love the man to bits and I think he's great, but I just think there's a lot of little arguments or digs, there's been a couple towards me, Gabby, Sally, some to Ryan, some to a bit of everyone, he has his little snaps. I don't mind if it's at me because I'll say something back, but a lot of the people in here won't, and they don't say it, so it makes me feel a bit uneasy and a bit uncomfortable and I don't like seeing it.



Reason: Last night at the party, he made a comment about what I was wearing, and as a young girl anyway, it made me feel uncomfortable. And that really actually put me off him because I was just like 'you tell me every five minutes that I'm your favourite person, but then you want to embarrass me like that in front of people?'. It was just unnecessary.



Reason: She's been rather rude to me on a number of occasions, and last night I felt she played me, intentionally dropping me in it with Ryan over a discussion about bunions. I could be completely wrong and I could have been rude to her, but it felt to me like there was some intent on her part to mix things up so that would be the reason why.



Reason: He will say something that is inappropriate to someone, meaning inappropriate like mean, or a diss, and then immediately leave the space. If you want to give someone a diss, then stand right in front of their face and then give it to them and see what they have to say, or maybe they'll punch you, I don't know what they'll do. But I don't like the hit-and-run situation. Those are my reasons.



Reason: There was a situation last night about a comment between Hardeep and Sally which was then relayed to Ryan and led to a situation. I think it was taken out of context and deliberately so.



Reason: He doesn't think before he speaks. I think socially he can get it wrong sometimes and that becomes a little issue for me in a house like this, but I know deep down that he's got a good heart, just got a funny way of showing it sometimes.



Reason: His sentences are always punctuated with bad language, and very often it's unneccessary. One of the housemates, she's a young girl, and I just don't think it's appropriate. It's not just the f-word, and I just find it unneccesary, so that's the reason that I feel I have to nominate Hardeep.

Facing the next public vote will be HARDEEP and SALLY

Back to house action, Kirstie admits to Hardeep she did watch Star Trek. Nothing wrong with that, I am a self confessed Trekkie myself and love the original series and Next Generation. Big love for Star Wars as well.

Gabby has a bee in her bonnet about Hardeep saying he embarrasses everyone, and a few minutes later SHE is crying. Hardeep rightly says she can give it out but she can't take it and the truth sometimes hurts. 

Get over yourself, Gabby, as he said truth hurts. What have you and the younger ones got against him?

Dan doing a white knight act now, why the hell is he sticking up for her. It's got nothing to do with him. Nick is now slowly turning against Hardeep, saying he has given him the benefit of the doubt until now.

To close the show, Hardeep is trying to explain himself, and when he has done his best Gabby thinks he is being insincere.

Final thoughts

The young ones v Hardeep sums that episode up to a tee. Gabby in particular being particularly prickly towards the man tonight. Damned if he does speak, damned if he doesn't he can't win in there with the young ones. Wouldn't their faces be a picture if he somehow goes onto win this.

Anyways, thank you for reading if you have made it this far and keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming.

Shout out to Big Brother Radio and BB on Blast if you haven't listened to their latest podcasts which are available here and here

Don't forget, finale for this series is September 10 while Civilian launches September 14, and any information about CBB UK, Civilian, USA or Canada can be found within the links to the right. Show them some love....

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

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