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Sunday 2 September 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 17 - The Trilogy is Complete, Roxanne has fled

On what should have been Ben's moment, has been taken away by Roxanne as you will soon find out

Advisory: This post may be a bit emotional as the episode that was aired

Lights on and it's eviction day in the CBB house, and Ryan is still reeling from Roxanne's insinuations

If you saw yesterday's episode, Roxanne spread her poison about Ryan to her plaything Ben, Dan,Gabby and Jermaine. So no doubt she will be continuing her little vendetta into today.

Dan and Jermaine are speculating about said vendetta, while Ryan and Ben are arguing about it in the garden. They nearly come to blows as the conversation gets pretty heated. Ben will find out the truth soon enough when he gets out of there

Don't these buffoons realise if he had really hit Roxanne, he wouldn't be in there right now. It's not that difficult.

Ryan now moves to Dan to explain the situation, and look who is in the background watching her handiwork start to crumble. Out come the waterworks from her as she slopes off to cry to some of the others

The old cry of pity me pity me, pretty desperate stuff from her now

Ben, wake up and smell the coffee, pal....She is playing you like a patsy. Sally hints to Ben that Ryan would have been removed had he really hit Roxanne. Mind you the way Roxanne is going on, you would think Ryan had done a job on her.

And Roxanne's demanding to speak to the producers again, who the eff does she think she is making these demands. You're a liar and a faker. Just do one if you are anxious to go, just do one NOW. BB even getting fed up with her now and her demands.

Just do us all a favour and wake up, Ben, and see what she is really like. She doesn't give a dam about you. Big Brother drop a big hint to Dan about why Ryan is still there and not been removed. They must be pretty dam fed up telling these idiots they have reviewed the footage. Will the penny drop with Dan at last?

The answer is yes, as he tells Ben they have been played by Roxanne. The penny still not dropping with Ben, hopefully he will see sense when he is evicted and shown the footage for himself. Meanwhile, the poisonous lady is turning on the waterworks with Jermaine now. Careful, pal, she'll be accusing you of something next if she has half the chance, and you are already in hot water with the public as it is as your grilling is long overdue.

Dan reveals the truth in the bedroom to more of them, and Ryan is absolutely shocked and who can blame him. Support for Roxanne is draining away and Sally speaks for most of us out here saying those kind of accusations that Roxanne made could ruin Ryan's career. Sudden silence descends as Roxanne walks into the bedroom.

Ryan is absolutely crying his eyes out in the Diary Room now he knows the truth, and these are genuine tears by the way, and not the ones that Roxanne seems to squeeze out when the spotlight is not on her.

Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, Roxanne goes into another little girl lost performance. Hardly anybody is offering to talk to her, as they are pretty much as disgusted as most of us out here. 

And the lies go on from Roxanne, but this time the others are on to her and she now claims he repeatedly punched her in the ribs. Just get her out, please, this is going TOO far.

On a lighter note, if it can be called that, Ben has now moved onto Gabby, but as we know it's too little too late on that score.

Back to the Roxanne show, and they are all giving her friendly advice but she still thinks she is in the right. Then a one on one between Ryan and Roxanne ensues, and they agree to call a truce but that's not going to last

On to the eviction we go, and a rinse and repeat of yesterday's twist, which is described in more detail in the previous post for this series. Not going to rehash it all here. To cut a long story short, Ben was evicted after a tie break vote of 5-3.

Now onto the fallout we go, and Roxanne is going into acting mode again. Sorry to be blunt here, but she doesn't really give two shits about Ben as we will see presently.

Kirstie's in tears about the situation of the moment, and then about the eviction just gone. Meanwhile the poisonous lady, she deserves no other name, ponders about the chanting outside. Sally tries to talk to her, but is she listening, hell no!!!!!!!

Finally, she is cut loose as she demands to walk, just push her through the door with a big boot. It's all she merits, think even BB is just so fed up of her on and on and on histronics. Just go and don't come back, not even for BOTS or the finale. You are NOT welcome.

The housemates are told of her departure, and no tears are shed as BB announce her suitcase is in the storeroom to pack up her things.

Good riddance I say, she can kiss goodbye to any future work and a great cloud of doom and fakeness has been removed from the house.

Final thoughts

See, Ben, that's what she really thinks of you. Consider your brief spotlight well and truly stolen, and go back to wherever you came from and look after that baby you and your partner are expecting, as they will need your full attention. Run for the hills as far from Roxanne as you can. So glad she's gone, and to say the last 72 hours have been draining would be a massive understatement. The final chapter in this trilogy is done and dusted and finally the book can be closed. Probably handed Ryan the win, and it's a shame his win will feel a bit tainted with the Stormy, he who was removed and now the poisonous lady business overshadowing things. Unless he himself messes up between now and the end, the win is his.

One more final thought, and thankfully a happier one, it was nice to see forums and social media in complete agreement after this episode had finished and that was RAW and honest BB at its best. Well done BB, it will be interesting to see what storylines we will get as we head towards the end of this series.

And on that note, thank you for reading this post if you have made it this far and keep the likes, RT's, shares and comments coming in.

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Until next time, keep smiling as the raincloud of doom is gone, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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