Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Big Brother 19 UK - Episode 4 - Get the F out, Anamelia

Greetings citizens, and time for another installment from the final series on Five, and it's not been bad so far.

Lights on for a brand new day, and off we go and thankfully no snoring from Tomasz this time

And straight into the Anamelia show already, and she's sharing her feelings with Sian and Lewis G. She's saying that people want to change who she is, not a bad thing in my book as she needs to stop interrupting and getting in people's faces because they have a different opinion to her. She says she is a mellow person, which is laughable in itself. 

Meanwhile in the garden, some September sunbathing is going on and some of the boys and Sian are rubbing lotion all over themselves with Tomasz looking on. Oh boy it's going to be jumpers and joggers soon with October round the corner, and all that rough weather that comes with it.

In the bedroom, Zoe is trying to explain to Anamelia her reasons for getting involved in yesterday's argument about 'bullying'. Think the words in one ear and out the other should be a subtitle here given Anamelia's track record.

Isaac is convinced Kay has got her eye on him. In your dreams, pal. What is it with male footballers and this house, can't they think with anything other than what's between their legs.

Zoe makes her way to the garden to report to Lewis F about Anamelia. She basically insinuates Anamelia has called her a shit stirrer, while Lewis F says there shouldn't be any secrets in there and if there's an issue they should discuss it together.

Task time, and today it's a General Knowledge quiz. 5 housemates have the chance to win 1,000 coins. As he tops the leaderboard right now, Akeem goes into the quiz automatically and he has to pick 4 more housemates to compete. Competing in this quiz with Akeem will be Cameron, Brooke, Tomasz and Zoe.

Anamelia with her nightly whining, this time about not being picked

Tomasz up first and he cashes in at 75 coins, everyone else gets nothing as they each got a question wrong in their respective rounds. Note, Tomasz turned down the chance to steal the final total during his round of questions.

Final total is a mind boggling 75 coins out of 1000

Back to Anamelia, and she says she is going to challenge people....Lucky us, eh, but thank god we don't have to live with her in there. After the quiz is over, yes back to her again, and it's all me me me me, and saying she was the most popular girl in her school. Lewis F is warned she is on the warpath, when is she not.

Random segment up next where Kenaley is giving Cian a 'tooth-jazzle' whatever that means.....Moving swiftly on.

Cameron is confronting Anamelia about that argument with Lewis F about 'bullying'. Yet another in one and out the other as she now starts yelling at Cameron completely denying what she said during said argument. Round and round it all goes with her, people are wasting their breath trying to talk to her.

Vagina talk in the living area, 'nuff said

Meanwhile in the garden, Lewis F is keeping his distance from Anamelia. Kenaley serves up some wine to them both. Lewis F asks Brooke about her sexuality, she mentions she has had boyfriends, but its been 5 years since the last lad came into her life. Back to the living area, Anamelia thinks Brooke is hot. Sian points out Anamelia is joking, but Lewis F, by this time, is absolutely fuming.

A short time later, Tomasz is fidgeting in the garden and takes a tumble out of the chair he is sitting in to much amusement from some of the others.

Lewis F is summoned to the Diary Room, where he says he is not ok due to Anamelia. He is hopping mad about her, and really rants. Big Brother basically tells him to live with it. Could we be looking at a walker here, only time will tell.

In the kitchen, Lewis F and Zoe are sharing a joke then you know who walks in and starts talking about energy. Note, she doesn't even look Lewis F in the eye. The housemates then start an Anamelia chant, that's going down like a lead balloon with Lewis F and not improving his mood.

Bellend and Isaac seem to think they are on Love Island, as they compare notes about some of the girls. They say Anamelia is a nutter and celibate. In the bedroom, Cian is doing some dancing.

Back in the bedroom, Bellend is singing some song about Anamelia, obviously designed to get some sort of reaction out of her.

Some giggling in the garden from Isaac and that's it for this episode

To be continued in Episode 5: Blood Money....More details in the next post

Final thoughts

A possible walker in Lewis F, and Lewis G hanging on to his Bellend of the Week award by his fingernails. If she survives this week, Anamelia is well on course for the next Bellend of the Week award. Someone really needs to take her batteries out or she needs to go out the door. I know some will say she brings the drama and she needs to stay in, but personally I'm already getting fed up with her and still fed up with Lewis G. We can only hope Blood Money will leave her in the red zone and she goes this Friday.

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and please keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in

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Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk....

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